Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Finally.... he is ordained.... We've been waiting for this joyous occasion... and there he is saying "Lord here i am" Ordained by Bishop Piong, Cornelius on the 25th July in St. Theresa's Church, Tambunan Sabah . Who is he??? none other than Rev. Fr Ronnie Alfred Luni from Tondulu, Tambunan. He is so macho and handsome that day..i wonder how many hearts were broken before..hehe joke...jangan marah ya Fr…

Father, rest assured that we in the youth commission and the rest of the young you served before and still, will always pray for you..and also will be there to listen and sharing ideas... Terima kasih... Thank You Father for saying "YES" to His call... and on your ordination Congratulation and Celebration from us...God Bless

Praise be the Lord Forever and Ever.

Salt Ulu Belaga 2009

Hello yeah-yeah… apa kabar semua?

Inginkan sebuah program yang mencabar MINDa?

Anda boleh mengikuti aktiviti tertera di bawah

Date : 21st November - 7th December 2009
Venue : Bintulu (formation sessions) / Ulu Belaga (Exposure)
Fee : RM100 (include accomodation, food and transportation for exposure)
Notes: However the transportation to Bintulu and come back from Bintulu will be by the participants own expenses

Participation : Open to all the IPTA/IPTS student in Malaysia. However the participation allocation
is limited.

8 seats - For SALT Phase 1
12 seats - Open to all the students
5 seats - International participants

Any further information please contact

Fr. Jojo - 012-7103285,
Edrin - 019-7059436 ,
Fiona - 013-7929065,

Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours sincerely
Edrin Marconi M.E
Campus Ministry Office
Malacca-Johore Diocese

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

God Has Answer for Ongoing Violence, Says Pope

Affirms That Crucified Christ Is Promise of Hope


Ever since murder marked the very first human family, people have continued to kill one another, but God's answer to this is the blood of his Son, Benedict XVI says.

As he addressed crowds gathered in St. Peter's Square today to pray the midday Angelus, the Pope reflected on the phenomenon of brother raising his hand against brother. The occasion for this reflection is the tradition of using the first Sunday of July for devotion to the Precious Blood of Christ.

The Holy Father noted how his predecessor Blessed John XXIII confirmed this tradition with a 1960 apostolic letter.

"The theme of blood linked to that of the Paschal Lamb is of primary importance in sacred Scripture," Benedict XVI explained. "In the Old Testament the sprinkling of the blood of sacrificed animals represented and established the covenant between God and the people, as one reads in the Book of Exodus. [...]
"Jesus explicitly repeats this formula at the Last Supper. [...] And, from the scourging, to the piercing of his side after his death on the cross, Christ has really shed all of his blood as the true Lamb immolated for universal redemption."

The shedding of blood is also a theme that runs throughout history, the Pope continued.

The blood of Abel, slain by his brother, cried out to God from the earth. "And, unfortunately, today as yesterday, this cry does not cease, since human blood continues to run because of violence, injustice and hatred," he lamented. "When will men learn that life is sacred and belongs to God alone? When will men understand that we are all brothers?"

However, the Holy Father recalled, "To the cry of the blood that goes up from many parts of the earth, God answers with the blood of his Son, who gave his life for us. Christ did not answer evil with evil, but with good, with his infinite love. The blood of Christ is the pledge of the faithful love of God for humanity."

This truth can be a comfort for all people, regardless of their personal situations, the Pontiff contended.

"Looking upon the wounds of the Crucified, every man, even in conditions of extreme moral misery, can say: God has not abandoned me, he loves me, he gave his life for me -- and in this way rediscover hope," the Bishop of Rome affirmed.

And he concluded with a prayer to Christ's mother: "May the Virgin Mary, who beneath the cross, together with the apostle John, witnessed the testament of Jesus' blood, help us to rediscover the inestimable riches of this grace, and to feel profound and perennial gratitude for it."

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kembali Kepada Asas

Belia-IPT Masuk Kampung

“Kembali Kepada Asas”

“Belia –IPT Masuk Kampung, lawaklah ini program, bukankah mereka juga urang kampung”. Merupakan antara komen yang diberikan oleh sesetengah masyarakat. Pada 16 -26 Jun 2009 yang lalu Program Belia-IPT Masuk Kampung telah diadakan di KSFX, ramai umat yang tidak memahami mengapa “orang kampung” dihantar masuk ke kampung. Menurut lapan orang peserta BMK tahun ini, yang terdiri daripada 3 peserta perempuan dan 5 lelaki. Program kali ini benar-benar menyedarkan mereka akan “diri mereka sebagai orang kampung”.

Keadaan setiap kampung adalah berbeza dari segi sosio-budaya, politik, ekonomi dan demografik. Perbezaan ini lah yang menjadikan pengalaman setiap peserta ini sangat berharga, bukan sahaja mendapat keluarga angkat namun mengenali dan memahami erti kehidupan seterusnya bersyukur akan keberadaan diri sendiri.

Kenyataan hidup para graduan pada masa kini banyak telah berubah, terdapat segelintir atau pun ramai yang telah mula melupakan asal-usul sendiri, malahan ada yang tidak sanggup untuk pulang ke kampung asal kerana keadaan yang di anggap tidak sesuai dengan status mereka kini. Tambah menyedihkan ramai yang telah melupakan nilai ”hidup dalam kesederhanaan” ramai graduan telah mula terikat dengan kebangaan hidup materialistik. Melalui program BMK, para peserta bukan sahaja diberikan tugas untuk dilaksanakan di kampung dilawati tetapi belajar untuk lebih mencintai diri, asal-usul dan keindahan hidup dalam kesederhanaan. ”Cara hidup yang sederhana ini, mengingatkan saya agar saya tetap menerima perjalanan hidup saya dan melaluinya dengan penuh rasa syukur” demikianlah perkongsian Sdra. Roney Eming, yang merupakan salah seorang peserta BMK kali ini.

Program BMK yang dimulakan kembali di Diosis Keningau ini sememangnya merupakan stau program yang dinanti-nantikan oleh masyarakat jauh di kawasan pedalaman. Ini kerana mereka melihat program ini mampu menyuntik semangat rohani dan perjuangan kepada para masyarakat, terutama nya para belia dan kanak-kanak dalam memperolehi kejayaan. Bagi masyarakat yang dilawati, ianya merupakan satu rahmat cinta kasih Tuhan kepada mereka. Dengan perkongisan pengetahuan samaada rohani, akademik atau sukan rekreasi ianya telah memperlihatkan mereka bahawa Gereja juga prihatin dan mengutamakan pembangunan secara penuh di tempat mereka. ”Semoga tahun hadapan lebih ramai belia IPT yang mahu mengikuti program ini” merupakan sebahagian harapan penduduk kampung di Kg. Pemuntarian dan Kg Lanas yang telah dilawati selama 4 hari. Terima kasih kepada lapan orang belia IPT yang mahu diutus menjadi diplomat kecil Diosis Keningau.

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