Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Today's Reflection

10 January 2012
(Mrk 1:21-29)

Recognizing Jesus

Looking back our experienced last year, how many times do we able to say “that was Jesus!” in our daily life. Or perhaps, that experience is nothing, meaningless.

Recognizing Jesus again is not an easy task. The evil spirits will always ensure that we will not be able to see the work of Jesus because he knows that Jesus is the Holy one of God. And because he couldn’t control Jesus, he constantly tries to turn our faith away from God. But we are convinced that the Holy Spirit within us is always there to help and protect us.

Do remember that, every time we fall, His hand is always open to bring us up again. The question for us is, are we ready to also extend our hands to receive God’s hand?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Today's Reflection

07 January 2012
(Jn 2:1-11)


“My time has not come” This sentence reminds me of my encounter with my friend yesterday. She told me her experienced listening testimony from someone who believed seeing God through his dream. God was telling him through his first dream that His time is not yet come but he had a second dream recently telling him that Jesus Christ is now stays together with people but nobody recognize Him.

As someone who is baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we believe that the presence of Jesus Christ stays with us forever. He is here with us not only today but long before we were born and will be with us until we die. He promised to His disciple that He will always with them through Holy Spirit and now this promise still here with us. But the question is can we see His presence through our everyday life? through people around us? through our society? through our environment? through our heart? Do we bother to recognize Him through all these?

Perhaps we are blinded by our own world. But no matter what world we are in let us allow ourselves to reunite with Him. He is always there waiting for us, His Beloved Children of God!
No matter how busy we are, take time to be with Him!!


06 January 2012
(Mk 1:7-11) 


What can you recall on your baptism day? Many of us are baptized while we still a baby and some after grown up. Baptism a time when we are declared as God's Children.

After all these years, have you really fulfill your call as Children of God? Becoming God's children is no easy task, in everyday  lives we were confront to make action and decision. Our very own baptism remind us to always work with him, and be united in him. it is also a reminder to never forget that he already gave us helper and guidance, Holy Spirit, to guide us and help us in making decision and to act according his word. 

Lets us always remember that, we got Holy Spirit in us. Not to worry of the future but to have faith and hope in Jesus. And most important is to remain in him! and we are his beloved child, there is nothing you can do to make him love you more, you are loved, we are loved.


05 January 2012 
( Jn 1:43-51) 

Story of Calling

What led man to God? In every hearts and souls there is this searching and longing. And no one can fulfill this but God alone. 

God sees us differently...he sees like no other man see, because he only see us as His beloved. His call is for us to come home, going home, going back to his arms and live to his vineyard. Yet He never forced us to accept Him, He freely gives us the time and space to chose Him. 

In Him, every desires and dream will be purified, and finally he will fulfill this one searching and longing for us.. Because he knows us first, what lies in us he knows, what we need to do is to come to him sat at his feet and listen to him, so that he look into our stories, wanderings, searching and longing to finally fulfill it. 

He is waiting, and will wait for you, you are not forced but because of his love so strong you will be dragged to him, because in him everything is possible. 

What are you waiting for, if today you hear your name calling, answer him!
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