Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tahun Baru

apakah bentuk kehidupan yang bakal aku lalui tahun yang akan datang.... satu yang pasti saya masih akan bekerja seperti biasa..going to office and do things that have to be done... adakah kehidupan yang lebih baik dari itu...ah perhaps tahun yang kan datang ini saya kan dapat mencari pasangan idola saya..hehe..kahwin..uhakss..who knows rite...

perlukah saya tukar kareer...mmm dengan kehidupan yang rutin ini saya pasti akan melalui detik-detik yang sama...orang yang sama dan kerja yang sama..apalah yang nak dibuat...silap haribulan ntah apa yang akan saya kena...atau saya jalani jalah rutin kehidupan...

seribu satu persoalan atau tiada kerisauan langsung dalam kehedipuan seseorang belia...ramai yang kini hanya berdoa dan berharap kehidupan akan menjadi lebih baik..naik pangkat..naik gaji..turun berat badan..dan blah-blah-blah lagi... ingat sa saja yang mengeluh...ramai lagi pula..malah amat menyedihkan ada seseorang atau dua atau tiga atau...di luar sana yang menanggung segala persoalan, kerisauan dan bebanan secara diam-diam..tiada tempat untuk mengeluh...mempunyai ramai kawan berbicara..namun tiada teman untuk berkongsi..tiada teman yang mahu mendengar...

ada yang hanya ingin melangkah hari-hari seperti biasa kerana yakin dan pasti hari esok akan tiba...ramai yang dahulunya bermatlamat kini menjadi kosong..mungkin kerana tekanan kehidupan yang penuh menekan..malah ada yang sudah mula putus asa dengan kehidupan ini...

seperti gambar diatas tiada yang pasti pada hari esok..kecuali bagi kita yang beriman dan percaya..di akhir kehidupan kita pasti akan bertemu dengan Bapa Pencipta kita...

kenyataan akan bertemu dengan Bapa Pencipta merupakan rahmat bagi kita semua..satu motivasi bahawa kehidupan ini bukanlah sia-sia...satu yang pasti Bapa Pencipta inginkan kita untuk hidup dalam sepenuh-penuhnya

guna kesempatan unutk menikamti keindahan ciptaanNya..."make the most with our lives"...and to remember that everything has it's own time...semua ada waktunya... Waktu unutk menanam dan menuai...

persoalannya...apakah yang ingin kita tanam pada tahun hadapan? atau apa yang perlu dituai... persoalan ini saya letakkan pada diri anda...yang pasti Jalan Tuhan Bukan Jalan Saya...tapi langkah tetap ku maju..kerana ku yakin Tuhan pasti akan membuat ia indah pada waktuNya...

Once again..wish all of you a very happy new year..may ur year filled with love, joy, peace and happiness within...may all of us be free from what chained us for such a long time...and may we in our daily something...something that is worth to be reap in His time...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

So.. Christmas comes again...

what have we done for the past year... is in our daily lives we proclaim the living Gospel or...Jesus is just Jesus who sits at the far corner in our lives...

on this Christmas... i wish all of u a very blessed Christmas and a prosperous new year with great health and greater devotion and worship to our King Jesus Christ...

may within the silence, rough and happenings roads we go trough tis coming year.. led us to proclaim that indeed Jesus is the most faithful friend in our lives. He had born and died for our salvation... what more we want from Him...

Can we give something for Him tis New Year... an attitude or lifestyle or something we like to give up for the better of our lives and the people around you...

or can we consider to work for Him..for His Kingdom???

once again...blessed Christmas and a happy new year 2010!!!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Blessed Christmas to all

Hai, everyone..

Jangan terlebih aramai tii.. this christmas k.

With lot and lots of LOVE

Komsis Belia Keuskupan Keningau

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Microsoft Photo Editor 3.0 Picture

Santa lives at the North Pole.

JESUS is everywhere.

Santa rides in a sleigh
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year
JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies
JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited
JESUS stands at your door and knocks.. and then enters your heart.
You have to stand in line to see Santa
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap
JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"
JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly
JESUS has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO
JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry"
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.
Santa's little helpers make toys
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but
JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.
It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back in Christmas.
Jesus is still the reason for the season.

May the Lord Bless and Watch over you and your loved ones this Christmas 2009

And may He prosper and bless the work of your hands in the New Year.

Greetings in Christ Jesus

Monday, December 7, 2009



Amatlah disyukuri kerana akhirnya KBK3 telah berjaya di lancarkan pada 06 Dec 2009 yang lalu, oleh Yang Mulia Bishop Datuk Cornelius Piong. KBK-3 akan di adakan pada 7-11 Jun 2010, dan tempat adalah
kepada 1000 orang peserta sahaja.

Tema bagi KBK3 kali ini ialah
"Guru yang baik, apakah yang harus ku perbuat untuk memperoleh kehidupan yang kekal"
Markus 10:17
Dan KBK kali ini, Ikon KBK telah diperkenalkan iaitu Ikon Good Shepered
Ikon ini dipilih kerana sebab yang sangat mudah, iaitu ingin memberitakan kepada semua belia bahawa sejauh mana kita tersesat Dia Gembala yang BAIK akan terus mencari untuk membawa kita kembali, Dia tidak melihat kotoran yang ada pada kita kerana DIA Gembala yang baik yang penuh dengan Cintakasih dan semangat melayani yang sejati.

Antara mereka yang menghadiri

Pemenang-pemenang dan yang dihargai

Jimbarak Muezcy Mikat
Pencipta Lirik dan Lagu

Roland Ukkian
Pencipta LOGO KBK3

Bodrick Paulus Aip
Susunatur semula Musik

Tahniah diucapkan kepada semua

Bagi mereka yang ingin menyertai KBK3...rajin-rajinlah melayari blog ini dan pada masa yang sama mengahadiri Misa dan membaca pengumuman.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pelancaran KBK3

Hai kawan-kawan... sedar tak sedar sejak 2006 yang lalu...KBK 3 telah mendatang tiba (alala bahasa sa nie kasi ok ja kio)... trus macam laju lagi tu...

Ok lah... kepada semua belia dan yang sudi hadir,,....anda suma di jemput menghadirkan diri ke Misa Pelancaran KBK 3, di Katedral St. Francis Xavier, pada 06 December 2009, jam 9.30 pg jom kita ramaikan pelancaran ini.

jangan malas-malas k...jumpa anda semua disana nanti.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Belia Yang ALERT!!!

Menarik kan lagu diatas, musiknya aja sungguh menyejukkan jiwa...adida!!!!

Ramai kita belia yang kini mulai di kuasai oleh keinginan diri atau pendek kata individualism atau pentingkan diri, ramai di antara kita lebih mendahulukan diri sendiri. Ada yang mengatakan kalau ada duit baru boleh membantu, malah ada yang mengatakan ala diri sendiri pun tidak terjaga mau membantu lagi.

Namun kita lupa bahawa dua wang perak yang didermakan si wanita miskin lebih bemakna berbanding dengan derma-derma orang kaya (Lukas 21:1-4). Mengapa? Ini kerana si Wanita tadi mendermakan seluruh yang dia miliki, tetapi si orang-orang kaya mendermakan apa yang lebih. Adakah kita juga harus bersifat seperti orang-orang kaya yang mendermakan sesuatu hasil dari apa yang lebih dan tidak kita perlukan, malahan ada pulak yang menderma sambil marah-marah dan mengeluh...kadang-kadang keluar lagi perkataan cilaka!!! Sifat menderma adalah satu nilai yang dituntut olah ajaran agama kita, so rajin-rajin lah menderma. Menderma bukan kerana mau masuk syurga, tetapi kerana cinta dan kasih kepada sesama ciptaan Tuhan.

Jadi apa kaitan dengan lagu???

Haha hampir terlupa...Pembacaan Ahad ini, mendorong kita untuk membaca tanda-tanda zaman. lagu ini lebih menceritakan akan kejadian alam dan bencana. Di sekililing kita penuh dengan bencana, ada yang disebabkan oleh lumrah alam, oleh kecuaian manusia, namun lebih banyak yang disebabkan oleh ketamakkan manusia.

Pembacaan Ahad ini menuntut kita untuk berjaga-jaga kerana, hanya Bapa yang tau bila masa nya!!! Sebagai belia adakah kita mahu berjaga-jaga atau kita lebih mementingkan keseronokkan dunia dan bila tua nanti baru mau bertobat kerana takutkan neraka??? Ingat Pertobatan memerlukan penyesalan yang sungguh-sungguh!!! Tuhan itu lebih bijak daripada orang yang paling bijak di dunia ini. Ramai belia kita yang selalu berasa putus asa, kejadian-kejadian alam dan perkara-perkara dalam kehidupan banyak membuatkan ramai belia hidup dalam pertanyaan yang sebenarnya telah terjawab oleh diri sendiri, namun memutuskan untuk tidak menerima jawapan tersebut.persoalan-persoalan ini telah menjadikan ramai belia kita yang memilih untuk menjadi satu dengan perkara-perkara yang mengakibatkan bencana, terikat dengan kemabukkan-kemabukkan yang membinasakan.

Pada kesempatan ini, saya ingin menjemput semua rakan belia untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi musim Advent yang akan tiba, untuk sama-sama merenungkan keberadaan diri, dan menjawap persoalan yang di kemukakan oleh penyanyi lagu di atas.Kerana rumput yang bergoayang, sudah pasti tidak mempunyai jawapan... Jawapan itu ada dalam diri kita, kita tahu jawapannya, namun kadang-kadang kita membenankan jauh-jauh di dalam sanubari kita.

Friday, October 16, 2009

INGIN menjadi yang TerUTAMA?

Sebelum apa-apa silalah baca petikan injil hari minggu (18/Okt/2009)Markus 10:35-45
(Kindly read this Sunday (18/OCT?2009) Gospel Reading Mrk 10:35-45)

Mungkin ramai di antara kita yang menyatakan saya bukan bekerja dengan gereja dan saya tidak melayani, oleh itu petikan injil ini tidak mempunyai kena mengena dengan saya dan dengan itu saya tidak boleh menjadi pelayan kepada orang lain, saya ditakdirkan untuk memimpin dan menjadi ketua.

Ramai diantara kita yang lupa bahawa semua kareer itu adalah satu panggilan khusus untuk kita. Disebabkan perkara ini semakin ramai yang menjadi bongkak dan sombong, orang bawahan atau junior tidak lagi ditengok, malah kadang-kadang atau selalu dijadikan budak suruhan.

Petikan minggu ini meminta kita untuk menjadi pelayan dan hamba bagi sesama. Apakah sebenarnya menjadi pelayan? Seorang pelayan atau hamba mempunyai ciri-ciri seorang pengikut yang setia, mereka mendengar dan melakukan apa yang dikehendaki oleh tuannya. Yang mana Yesus mengatakan jika kita hendak menjadi yang utama dan terkemuka kita seharusnya mendengar perintah Allah dan melakukan kehendak-Nya, iaitu menjadi pelayan diantara sesama.

Bukanlah bermaksud kita jadi kuli bagi pekerja bawahan dan orang lain, tidak sama sekali. Sebagai seorang Kristian kita dituntut untuk Mendengar dan Melakukan Kehendak Tuhan. Dengan mendengar dan melakukan kehendak Tuhan, kita sudah pasti akan dapat melayani dengan baik, kita dapat menerapkan nilai-nilai kemanuisaan dan kepimpinan yang baik, dalam kita manjalankan tugas dan kereer kita.

Ini bererti, kita dapat melihat rakan sekerja atau pekerja-pekerja kita sebagai manusia yang mempunyai hati dan perasaan. Semoga Bacaan Injil minggu ini membantu kita untuk bersikap lebih sebagai pelayan yang penuh kerendahan hati, yang sentiasa mahu terbuka membantu dan memahami masalah orang lain. Menjadi pelayan di antara pelayan.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sunday Reflection : "Faithfulness"

“ and the two become one flesh. They are no longer two, therefore, but one flesh.
So then, what God has united, human beings must not divide.” (Mark 10:8-9)

“I’m no married, and in my case the verse have no business to me”. Perhaps many of us out there who are still single do not taking this word of God seriously. This Sunday reading shows Jesus once again put it right and lifted high once again the marriage life. This Sunday gospel is very beautiful for all married, single people and celibates, it is because it reminds us to our commitment towards one another. For those who are married they are reminded to be faithful to their spouses. And to those celibates, single for Christ, and single still is to remain faithful to their promises, because no promises made out in front of God and to God is breakable. And as a Catholic, it is to stay united with God, to always uphold our baptismal bo

Marriage is equally important as priesthood or religious life, people are married because of love and an aim to be together till the end of life, to share joy and sadness, and more important to build a family, which build the church and finally society, and from this society we have our priest and religious (correct me if I’m wrong), and they are not married because of money, position, sex or anything else. If that was the reason, and if you are now feeling living like hell (if u you find this word to harsh, sorry then), perhaps ones need to re-set his or her marriage's goal.

Nowadays many of divorcees said the reason they got divorced because no more love between them. And for many also, it is because of their abusive husband or wife, financial situation, misunderstanding and of third person exist. We don't judge but we learn from these situations and, learn how to survive amidst of many problems and issues in the family.

To nurture love between spouses, to nurture commitments, effective communication between both should be there. Talk face to face, don’t yell to each other (you can yell to each other but with love) , if during your courting days you can shout to each other and remain face to face, why not in your married days, speak maturely, and speak from the bottom of your heart and
not always from the head and make sure it is face to face. More importantly to listen, give chance to your spouse to finish everything before you interrupt. Be caring to one another.

For our reflections, are we remain committed to God in our daily lives, are we doing what God ask us to do. Are we being committed to our responsibility, as manager, supervisor, associates, teachers, moreover as a child, parents and as a spouse? To remain committed, there were great responsibility to hold and it is by God grace alone that we will be able to continue in carrying these responsibilities by constantly asking His pardon and mercy, help and guidance.

In this month of rosary, let us ask our beloved Mother Mary to pray for us that we can be like her, to remain faithful to Jesus. Mother Mary is the first disciple whom God favored, she were there in Cana and at the foot of the cross, and still there at the Pentecost. Let us return to him like the prodigal son, remain united with Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit and be witness to God’s existence in this world, by constantly showing mercy and doing charity to His people.

May this beautiful Sunday help us to grow in faith, love our beloved dearly, charitable in our lives, merciful in our deeds, humble in our actions and words. We pray that all couples can stay together despite of many challenges in family. Mother Mary pray for us !!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

So u are hurt...To Forgive an To Love His Cross

Hi friends....there are times when i was full of anger, frustration and confusion to certain extent resentment... and i am lucky for having such a wonderful friend... a young priest who always challenge me to love more, especially, at times when or where i cannot loved.

The two articles posted before is actually is part of my daily reflections this week... and i would like to share my story...could it be yours...i don't know, just open your heart to listen and to reflect.

Let me begin with these questions, what will happen if we don't forgive and love His cross? Are we going to die??? Will we be able to live in the fullness??? Can't i be save and enjoy eternal life???

Someone or something or whatever it is, and because of all those we are hurt, to forgive and let go is no easy deal. It may torn us to hundredth of pieces, cost us litters of tears, consuming our nights and days...waiting to explode. Not that easy right..especially to those who suffered us the most.

Reflecting on Luke 6:26-36, Jesus simply want me to have a heart of flesh not stone. By denying forgiveness, I indirectly denying God's graces to myself and others. As i reflected more into it, i find that this wound is actually an opportunity for me to learn to love more and deeply. Did Jesus condemn those who nailed Him, having a disgusting look at Him, those who put him to death, NO!!! "Father have mercy on them for the know not what they do" (Luke 23:34) is what is He prayed for.

Jesus truly said He will lift up our burden and give us rest (Mt 11:28-30). From this we learn to entrust to Jesus our hurts and suffering, and slowly let go the things that had torn us apart. Perhaps this is what Jesus meant by asking us to carry our own cross as His disciple (Luke 9:23). I guess Jesus simply want
us to learn from our down moments, to slowly in love to forgive and forget. By embracing His Cross we are now able to be compassionate, as our Father is compassionate ( Luke 6:36). To love His cross is to be united in His compassionate heart.

The hardest thing to do as Christian is to love our neighbors, enemies and etc... by showing love we need to forgive we must be compassionate. and to be compassionate, the only model we have is Jesus, for he share the same divine essence with God the Father. In doing so, we are now able to see God the Father through Jesus, and through us our neighbours, friends and enemies, now are able to see Jesus.

Let us pray to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, that slowly we will live like the Father, who is compassionate and full of mercy. And to love one another as Jesus have loved us..and still.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pope: Lovers of Christ Must Love His Cross

Cites St. Peter Damian's Teachings on Salvation

VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 9, 2009 ( One who does not love the cross of Christ does not love Christ, says Benedict XVI, citing St. Peter Damian.

The Pope recalled today this saying of the the 11th century saint when he continued his reflection on great figures of the Church during his general audience catechesis.

The Holy Father considered Peter Damian (1007-1072), pointing out his love for the cross and his insightful theological reflection.

Regarding the saint's love for the cross, the Pontiff noted that Peter Damian referred to himself as "Peter servant of the servants of the cross of Christ."

He continued: "Peter Damian addressed most beautiful prayers to the cross, in which he reveals a vision of this mystery that has cosmic dimensions, because it embraces the whole history of salvation:

"'O blessed cross,' he exclaimed, 'you are venerated in the faith of patriarchs, the predictions of prophets, the assembly of the apostles, the victorious army of the martyrs and the multitudes of all the saints.'"

The Holy Father thus exhorted the faithful to follow the example of St. Peter Damian in looking "at the cross as the supreme act of love of God for man, which has given us salvation."

Theological insight

Benedict XVI went on to consider Peter Damian's theological insight, particularly mentioning his understanding of the trinity, the figure of Christ, and the unity of the Church.

"His reflection on several doctrinal subjects led him to important conclusions for life," the Pope observed.

Particularly the saint's understanding of the communion of the Church led him to join with the popes of his time in working for reform.

Benedict XVI explained: "'The Church of Christ,' [Peter Damian] wrote, 'is united by the bond of charity to the point that, as she is one in many members, she is also totally gathered mystically in just one of her members; so that the whole universal Church is rightly called the only Bride of Christ in singular, and every chosen soul, because of the sacramental mystery, is fully considered Church.'

"This is important: Not only that the whole universal Church is united, but that in each one of us the Church in her totality should be present. Thus the service of the individual becomes 'expression of universality.'"

Hence, the Holy Father reflected, the saint "saw that it was not enough to contemplate, and [he] had to give up the beauty of contemplation to assist in the work of renewal of the Church. Thus he renounced the beauty of the hermitage and courageously undertook numerous journeys and missions."'

Finally, the Bishop of Rome said, Peter Damian "consumed himself, with lucid consistency and great severity, for the reform of the Church of his time. He gave all his spiritual and physical energies to Christ and the Church, always remaining, as he liked to call himself, 'Petrus ultimus monachorum servus,' Peter, last servant of the monks."

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Jadi anda terluka...

anda terluka..anda sakit hati..anda marah....
mungkin dengan kawan-kawan yang nampak baik tapi tidak, mungkin dengan adik-beradik dan mungkin dengan diri sendiri yang dirasakan lemah dan tidak berdaya. Atau dia memang musuh kita sejak kecil?

kadang-kadang mungkin kerana perlakuan mereka, percakapan atau tindakan mereka yang tidak disedari...

kita belia ramai yang terperangkap permasalahan ini...jadi ingin tahu bagai mana hendak teruskan kehidupan walaupun dengan beban... kawan-kawan bacalah Injil Lukas 6: 27-35... apa tidak mempunyai bible...alamak macam ini... ok lah untuk kawan-kawan saya muat kan disini

Lukas 6:27 "Tetapi kepada kalian yang mendengar Aku sekarang ini, Aku beri pesan ini: kasihilah musuh-musuhmu, dan berbuatlah baik kepada orang yang membencimu.

28 Berkatilah orang yang mengutukmu, dan doakanlah orang yang jahat terhadapmu.B29 Kalau orang menampar pipimu yang satu, biarkan ia menampar pipimu yang sebelah juga. Kalau jubahmu dirampas, berikanlah juga bajumu.30 Kalau orang minta sesuatu kepadamu, berikanlah itu kepadanya; dan kalau milikmu dirampas, janganlah memintanya kembali.

31 Perlakukanlah orang lain seperti kalian ingin diperlakukan oleh mereka.32 Kalau kalian mengasihi orang-orang yang mengasihi kalian saja, apa jasamu? Orang berdosa pun mengasihi orang-orang yang mengasihi mereka!berdosa,33 Dan kalau kalian berbuat baik kepada orang-orang yang berbuat baik kepadamu saja, apa jasamu? Orang berdosa pun berbuat begitu!34 Dan kalau kalian meminjamkan uang hanya kepada orang-orang yang dapat mengembalikannya, apa jasamu? Orang berdosa pun meminjamkan uang kepada orang,
lalu memintanya kembali!.

35 Seharusnya bukan begitu! Kalian sebaliknya harus mengasihi musuhmu dan berbuat baik kepada mereka. Kalian harus memberi pinjam, dan jangan mengharap mendapat kembali. Bila demikian, upahmu akan besar dan kalian akan menjadi anak-anak Allah Yang Mahatinggi. Sebab Allah baik hati terhadap orang yang tidak tahu terima kasih, dan terhadap yang jahat juga.

36 Hendaklah kalian berbelaskasihan seperti Bapamu juga berbelaskasihan!"

Sememangnya ianya sesuatu yang payah tapi kita cuba build better environment urang putih katakan...harap-harap kali ni betul lah grammar...haha

Tuesday, September 8, 2009





Heads up everyone! Please, keep this circulating..... You walk across the parking lot, unlock your car and get inside. You start the engine and shift into Reverse. When you look into the rearview mirror to back out of your parking space, you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window. So, you shift into Park, unlock your doors, and jump out of your car to remove that paper (or whatever it is) that is obstructing your view. When you reach the back of your car, that is when the carjackers appear out of nowhere, jump into your car and take off. They practically mow you down as they speed off in your car. And guess what, ladies? I bet your purse is still in the car.. So now the carjacker has your car, your home address, your money, and your keys. Your home and your whole identity are now compromised!


If you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window, just drive away. Remove the paper later. And be thankful that you read this e-mail. I hope you will forward this to friends and family, especially to women. A purse contains all kinds of personal information and identification documents, and you
certainly do NOT want this to fall into the wrong hands.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Papal Homily for the Assumption

"Mary Lives Her Constant Ascent to God in the Spirit of the Magnificat"

CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, AUG. 30, 2009 ( Here is a Vatican translation of the homily Benedict XVI gave Aug. 15, the solemnity of the Assumption. The Pope celebrated Holy Mass at the Parish Church of San Tommaso da Villanova in Castel Gandolfo.

* * *

Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate and in the Priesthood,

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today's Solemnity crowns the series of important liturgical celebrations in which we are called to contemplate the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the history of salvation. Indeed, the Immaculate Conception, the Annunciation, the Divine Motherhood and the Assumption are the fundamental, interconnected milestones with which the Church exalts and praises the glorious destiny of the Mother of God, but in which we can also read our history.

The mystery of Mary's conception recalls the first page of the human event, pointing out to us that in the divine plan of creation man was to have had the purity and beauty of the Virgin Immaculate.

This plan, jeopardized but not destroyed by sin, through the Incarnation of the Son of God, proclaimed and brought into being in Mary, was recomposed and restored to the free acceptance of the human being in faith.

Lastly, in Mary's Assumption, we contemplate what we ourselves are called to attain in the following of Christ the Lord and in obedience to his word, at the end of our earthly journey.

The last stage of the Mother of God's earthly pilgrimage invites us to look at the manner in which she journeyed on toward the goal of glorious eternity.

In the Gospel passage just proclaimed, St Luke tells that, after the Angel's announcement, Mary "arose and went with haste into the hill country", to visit Elizabeth (Lk 1: 39).

With these words the Evangelist wishes to emphasize that for Mary to follow her own vocation in docility to God's Spirit, who has brought about within her the Incarnation of the Word, means taking a new road and immediately setting out from home, allowing herself to be led on a journey by God alone.

St Ambrose, commenting on Mary's "haste", says: "the grace of the Holy Spirit admits of no delay" (Expos. Evang. sec. Lucam, ii, 19: PL 15, 1560).

Our Lady's life is guided by Another: "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word" (Lk 1: 38); it is modelled by the Holy Spirit, it is marked by events and encounters, such as that with Elizabeth, but above all by her very special relationship with her Son Jesus.

It is a journey on which Mary, cherishing and pondering in her heart the events of her own life, perceives in them ever more profoundly the mysterious design of God the Father for the salvation of the world.

Then, by following Jesus from Bethlehem to exile in Egypt, in both his hidden and his public life and even to the foot of the Cross, Mary lives her constant ascent to God in the spirit of the Magnificat, fully adhering to God's plan of love, even in moments of darkness and suffering, and nourishing in her heart total abandonment in the Lord's hands in order to be a paradigm for the faithful of the Church (cf. Lumen Gentium, nn. 64-65).

The whole of life is an ascent, the whole of life is meditation, obedience, trust and hope, even in darkness; and the whole of life is marked by this "holy haste" which knows that God always has priority and nothing else must create haste in our existence.

And, lastly, the Assumption reminds us that Mary's life, like that of every Christian, is a journey of following, following Jesus, a journey that has a very precise destination, a future already marked out: the definitive victory over sin and death and full communion with God, because as Paul says in his Letter to the Ephesians the Father "raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Eph 2: 6).

This means that with Baptism we have already fundamentally been raised and are seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, but we must physically attain what was previously begun and brought about in Baptism.

In us, union with Christ resurrection is incomplete, but for the Virgin Mary it is complete, despite the journey that Our Lady also had to make. She has entered into the fullness of union with God, with her Son, she draws us onwards and accompanies us on our journey.

In Mary taken up into Heaven we therefore contemplate the One who, through a unique privilege, was granted to share with her soul and her body in Christ's definitive victory over death. "When her earthly life was over", the Second Vatican Council says, the Immaculate Virgin "was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory... and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords (cf. Rv 19: 16) and conqueror of sin and death" (Lumen Gentium, n. 59).

In the Virgin taken up into Heaven we contemplate the crowning of her faith, of that journey of faith which she points out to the Church and to each one of us: the One who, at every moment, welcomed the Word of God, is taken up into Heaven, in other words she herself is received by the Son in the "dwelling place" which he prepared for us with his death and Resurrection (cf. Jn 14: 2-3).

Human life on earth as the First Reading has reminded us is a journey that takes place, constantly, in the intense struggle between the dragon and the woman, between good and evil. This is the plight of human history: It is like a voyage on a sea, often dark and stormy. Mary is the Star that guides us towards her Son Jesus, "the sun that has risen above all the shadows of history" (cf. Spe Salvi, n. 49) and gives us the hope we need: the hope that we can win, that God has won and that, with Baptism we entered into this victory. We do not succumb definitively: God helps us, he guides us.

This is our hope: This presence of the Lord within us that becomes visible in Mary taken up into Heaven. "The Virgin" in a little while we shall read in the Preface for this Solemnity "that you made to shine out as "a sign of hope and comfort for your people on their pilgrim way'".

With St Bernard, a mystic who sang the Blessed Virgin's praises, let us thus invoke her: "We pray you, O Blessed One, for the grace that you found, for those prerogatives that you deserved, for the Mercy you bore, obtain that the One who for your sake deigned to share in our wretchedness and infirmity, through your prayers may make us share in his graces, in his bliss and in his eternal glory, Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who is above all things, Blessed God for ever and ever. Amen" (Sermo 2 "de Adventu", 5: PL 183, 43).

© Copyright 2009 -- Libreria Editrice Vaticana

jalan peristiwa sama...konsep berbeza..mmm...

Salam 1 Malaysia


Perbezaan dalam konsep dan pemahaman di antara Kristian dan Islam tidak dapat di nafikan... dan di elakkan... namun kita sebagai seorang yang beriman harus saling menghormati ajaran agama masing-masing. Perbezaan yang ada harus TIDAK di jadikan alasan untuk merendah-rendahkan ajaran agama yang lain... "If you trust Your God, have faith in Him and believe in Him and above all is to LOVE Him"

Jika kita meneliti secara terperinci banyak juga peristiwa-peristiwa yang berbeza diantara Kristian dan Islam. Perbezaan peristiwa dan konsep ini adalah kerana pemahaman akan Tuhan atau dalam bahasa agama di kenali dengan "Theology" sesuatu ajaran itu amat berbeza.

Sebagai seorang Kristian kita diajarkan oleh Yesus untuk mengasihi Tuhan Allah dengan segenap hati, segenap akal dan dengan segenap jiwa kita dan kita juga mencintai antara satu dengan yang lain sebagaimana Yesus telah mengasihi kita"

Maka jangan disebabkan perbezaan ini kita menjadi asing antara satu dengan lain. Sesuatu yang amat digalakkan bagi semua penganut agama Kristian adalah untuk mendalami pengetahuan iman dan agama, ajaran gereja dan memahami konsep-konsep atau dalam gereja di kenali sebagai Dogma dan Doktrin Gereja. Memahami ajaran agama lain adalah sesuatu yang baik, namun demikian kita dinasihatkan untuk mendalami ajaran agama kita sendiri terlebih dahulu agar kita akan lebih dapat memahami dan mencintai agama kita dan semakin diteguhkan, tanpa asas pengetahuan agama sendiri untuk memahami agama lain, kadang-kadang ianya akan menyebabkan kekeliruan.

Diharapakan sedikit penjelasan ini dapat membantu sdra, jude dalam pembangunan seharian. Senyum selalu...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Agama Rasmi....

Jude question: erm sy da mo tnya..napa agama Islam jadi agama rasmi, bukannya Kristian. sebab Kristian wujud dulu dr Islam..bleh jawabka??heheh

Thanks Jude for the question…

My answer: Sdra Jude. Penetapan agama rasmi sesebuah negara sama ada Kristian lebih dulu wujud daripada agama-agama yang lain ianya bergantung kepada faktor demografi yang mengambil kira populasi sesebuah Negara.

Contohnya Bagi Negara kita Malaysia, majoriti penduduknya adalah bergama Islam kira-kira 60.4% (kiraan tahun 2000). Dan sememangnya dari awal pembentukan tanah Malaya, agama Islam merupakan agama majoriti penduduk Tanah Melayu. Dibawah Suruhanjaya Reid, yang bertanggungjawab menggubal Perlembangan Persekutuan 1957, hasil daripada dialog dan persefahaman (Kontrak Sosial) di antara tiga kaum utama ketika itu, Melayu, Cina dan India, Agama Islam telah dijadikan agam rasmi persekutuan Tanah Melayu di bawah Perkara 3 (1), perlembagaan persekutuan.

Untuk pengetahuan Sdra. Jude, agama Rasmi bagi Negara Philippine dan Timor Leste ialah agama Kristian, ini kerana majority penduduknya Beragama Kristian. Dalam menentukan agama rasmi sesebuah negara, faktor demografi atau jumlah penganut agama sesebuah Negara juga di ambil kira. Namun demikian ianya juga mengambil kira keadaan politik dan sosio-budaya sesebuah Negara.

Bagi kita di Malaysia jangan lah risau kerana, di bawah Akta perlembagaan persekutuan 1957, Perkara 3 (1), Perkara 11 (1),(2),(3, 3a,3b), secara terang membenarkan kebebasan beragama, membenarkan setiap agama untuk mengurus dan mentadbir agama masing-masing. Oleh itu kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia harus peka akan hak kita sebagai warganegara Malaysia. Dan kita wajib mempertahankan Hak kita yang telah termaktub di bawah Akta Perlembagaan ini, bagi menjamin kebebasan bergama dan mengamalkan ajaran agama masing-masing terus terpelihara.

Diharapakan penerangan yang ringkas ini dapat menjawab pertanyaan atau kekeliruan Sdra. Jude.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

COY "perjalanan yang berbeza"

BATAL!!!! ayia macam oh??? penat sudah siurang merancang, buat nie buat tu, kasi promosi lagi... kamiurang sudah start latihan koir sudah siap sedia dengan yell... kenapa tiba-tiba kasi batal???

Kesian si.. H1N1 dipersalahkan atas pembatalan ini.Paling teruk lagi ada juga yang mempersalahkan Tuhan kerana wujudnya H1N1. Paling UTAMA Tuhan harus tidak DIPERSALAHKAN dalam hal sebegini.

Bukan mahu menambahkan duka, tapi mari sama-sama berimaginasi,waktu pendaftaran yang sesak dengan 535 orang peserta dan ibupaba angkat yang menunggu anak-anak angkat, "Welcoming Night" yang wow!!!, Misa Pembukaan oleh Bapa Uskup, sesi-sei yang pastinya membuka minda, malam penghayatan, Adorasi, Pengakuan dan dan Rhythm of Youth, lagu-lagu yang hebat dan persembahan peserta yang penuh bergaya aduh..pastinya meriah dan..bayangkanlah....mmm

Sebagai Koordinator Belia Keuskupan Keningau, saya adalah salah seorang antara mereka yang sodih dan kiciwa. saya mula bertanya mengapa dan mengapa? terbawa-bawa akan emosi dan perasaan. Tapi sikijap ja lah hehe...saya harus bersifat rasional dan terbuka... dan dalam membuat persiapan diri untuk ke Misa Kudus..pembacaan pertama hari ini (09/08/2009), yang menceritakan tentang Elia. Yang mengalami keputusasaan dan ingin mati. Kalau kita membaca kisah Elia seterusnya ia adalah pertemuan Elia dengan Tuhan di atas Gunung Sinai, Tuhan yang datang dalam suasana yang damai dan memberikan kekuatan.

Ketika dalam renungan banyak persoalan bermain di benak pemikiran, antaranya ialah "adakah saya melakukan semua tugas pelayanan itu bersandarkan kepada diri sendiri atau bersumberkan kekuatan Allah? "adakah saya melakukan semua ini kerana Yesus atau sekadar membuktikan kebolehan diri...? Adakah saya benar-benar membenarkan Allah bekerja dalam diri saya?

Saya sedari bahawa dalam kes pembatalan COY, Tuhan inginkan kesetiaan yang lebih lagi dari saya, lagi-lagi kesetiaan ketika dalam kekecewaan, takwa dan penuh berserah kepada kebijaksanaan Tuhan. Tuhan mengajarkan saya akan erti "Jalan DIA bukan bukanlah seperti perjalanan yang saya kehendaki" dalam usia semuda ini (promote dulu kejap..2 tahun lagi sa masuk 30 tahun dah hehe) untuk terus bertahan di dalam pelayanan ini, saya harus belajar untuk bersandar sepenuhnya kepada Allah, belajar untuk berserah sepenuhnya kepada dorongan Roh Kudus dan seperti Elia yang peka sehinggakan dapat mendengar dan memutuskan kehadiran Tuhan di antara angin ribut, gempa dan bunyi bisikan halus. saya harus belajar dari Nabi Elia untuk taat, percaya dan mempunyai hubungan yang erat dengan Tuhan dan berupaya mendengar bisikannya dan membezakan bisikan-bisikan yang hadir... dalam meneruskan perjalanan yang Tuhan telah sediakan bagi saya.

Diharapkan semua pihak juga dapat belajar sesuatu dari Nabi Elia, mungkinkah bisikan Tuhan kepada anda berbeza daripada bisikan yang Dia berikan kepada saya... kalau ada,,,kongsikanlah bisikan itu agar kita semua dapat saling bertumbuh dalam Kristus Yesus...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Finally.... he is ordained.... We've been waiting for this joyous occasion... and there he is saying "Lord here i am" Ordained by Bishop Piong, Cornelius on the 25th July in St. Theresa's Church, Tambunan Sabah . Who is he??? none other than Rev. Fr Ronnie Alfred Luni from Tondulu, Tambunan. He is so macho and handsome that day..i wonder how many hearts were broken before..hehe joke...jangan marah ya Fr…

Father, rest assured that we in the youth commission and the rest of the young you served before and still, will always pray for you..and also will be there to listen and sharing ideas... Terima kasih... Thank You Father for saying "YES" to His call... and on your ordination Congratulation and Celebration from us...God Bless

Praise be the Lord Forever and Ever.

Salt Ulu Belaga 2009

Hello yeah-yeah… apa kabar semua?

Inginkan sebuah program yang mencabar MINDa?

Anda boleh mengikuti aktiviti tertera di bawah

Date : 21st November - 7th December 2009
Venue : Bintulu (formation sessions) / Ulu Belaga (Exposure)
Fee : RM100 (include accomodation, food and transportation for exposure)
Notes: However the transportation to Bintulu and come back from Bintulu will be by the participants own expenses

Participation : Open to all the IPTA/IPTS student in Malaysia. However the participation allocation
is limited.

8 seats - For SALT Phase 1
12 seats - Open to all the students
5 seats - International participants

Any further information please contact

Fr. Jojo - 012-7103285,
Edrin - 019-7059436 ,
Fiona - 013-7929065,

Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours sincerely
Edrin Marconi M.E
Campus Ministry Office
Malacca-Johore Diocese

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

God Has Answer for Ongoing Violence, Says Pope

Affirms That Crucified Christ Is Promise of Hope


Ever since murder marked the very first human family, people have continued to kill one another, but God's answer to this is the blood of his Son, Benedict XVI says.

As he addressed crowds gathered in St. Peter's Square today to pray the midday Angelus, the Pope reflected on the phenomenon of brother raising his hand against brother. The occasion for this reflection is the tradition of using the first Sunday of July for devotion to the Precious Blood of Christ.

The Holy Father noted how his predecessor Blessed John XXIII confirmed this tradition with a 1960 apostolic letter.

"The theme of blood linked to that of the Paschal Lamb is of primary importance in sacred Scripture," Benedict XVI explained. "In the Old Testament the sprinkling of the blood of sacrificed animals represented and established the covenant between God and the people, as one reads in the Book of Exodus. [...]
"Jesus explicitly repeats this formula at the Last Supper. [...] And, from the scourging, to the piercing of his side after his death on the cross, Christ has really shed all of his blood as the true Lamb immolated for universal redemption."

The shedding of blood is also a theme that runs throughout history, the Pope continued.

The blood of Abel, slain by his brother, cried out to God from the earth. "And, unfortunately, today as yesterday, this cry does not cease, since human blood continues to run because of violence, injustice and hatred," he lamented. "When will men learn that life is sacred and belongs to God alone? When will men understand that we are all brothers?"

However, the Holy Father recalled, "To the cry of the blood that goes up from many parts of the earth, God answers with the blood of his Son, who gave his life for us. Christ did not answer evil with evil, but with good, with his infinite love. The blood of Christ is the pledge of the faithful love of God for humanity."

This truth can be a comfort for all people, regardless of their personal situations, the Pontiff contended.

"Looking upon the wounds of the Crucified, every man, even in conditions of extreme moral misery, can say: God has not abandoned me, he loves me, he gave his life for me -- and in this way rediscover hope," the Bishop of Rome affirmed.

And he concluded with a prayer to Christ's mother: "May the Virgin Mary, who beneath the cross, together with the apostle John, witnessed the testament of Jesus' blood, help us to rediscover the inestimable riches of this grace, and to feel profound and perennial gratitude for it."

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kembali Kepada Asas

Belia-IPT Masuk Kampung

“Kembali Kepada Asas”

“Belia –IPT Masuk Kampung, lawaklah ini program, bukankah mereka juga urang kampung”. Merupakan antara komen yang diberikan oleh sesetengah masyarakat. Pada 16 -26 Jun 2009 yang lalu Program Belia-IPT Masuk Kampung telah diadakan di KSFX, ramai umat yang tidak memahami mengapa “orang kampung” dihantar masuk ke kampung. Menurut lapan orang peserta BMK tahun ini, yang terdiri daripada 3 peserta perempuan dan 5 lelaki. Program kali ini benar-benar menyedarkan mereka akan “diri mereka sebagai orang kampung”.

Keadaan setiap kampung adalah berbeza dari segi sosio-budaya, politik, ekonomi dan demografik. Perbezaan ini lah yang menjadikan pengalaman setiap peserta ini sangat berharga, bukan sahaja mendapat keluarga angkat namun mengenali dan memahami erti kehidupan seterusnya bersyukur akan keberadaan diri sendiri.

Kenyataan hidup para graduan pada masa kini banyak telah berubah, terdapat segelintir atau pun ramai yang telah mula melupakan asal-usul sendiri, malahan ada yang tidak sanggup untuk pulang ke kampung asal kerana keadaan yang di anggap tidak sesuai dengan status mereka kini. Tambah menyedihkan ramai yang telah melupakan nilai ”hidup dalam kesederhanaan” ramai graduan telah mula terikat dengan kebangaan hidup materialistik. Melalui program BMK, para peserta bukan sahaja diberikan tugas untuk dilaksanakan di kampung dilawati tetapi belajar untuk lebih mencintai diri, asal-usul dan keindahan hidup dalam kesederhanaan. ”Cara hidup yang sederhana ini, mengingatkan saya agar saya tetap menerima perjalanan hidup saya dan melaluinya dengan penuh rasa syukur” demikianlah perkongsian Sdra. Roney Eming, yang merupakan salah seorang peserta BMK kali ini.

Program BMK yang dimulakan kembali di Diosis Keningau ini sememangnya merupakan stau program yang dinanti-nantikan oleh masyarakat jauh di kawasan pedalaman. Ini kerana mereka melihat program ini mampu menyuntik semangat rohani dan perjuangan kepada para masyarakat, terutama nya para belia dan kanak-kanak dalam memperolehi kejayaan. Bagi masyarakat yang dilawati, ianya merupakan satu rahmat cinta kasih Tuhan kepada mereka. Dengan perkongisan pengetahuan samaada rohani, akademik atau sukan rekreasi ianya telah memperlihatkan mereka bahawa Gereja juga prihatin dan mengutamakan pembangunan secara penuh di tempat mereka. ”Semoga tahun hadapan lebih ramai belia IPT yang mahu mengikuti program ini” merupakan sebahagian harapan penduduk kampung di Kg. Pemuntarian dan Kg Lanas yang telah dilawati selama 4 hari. Terima kasih kepada lapan orang belia IPT yang mahu diutus menjadi diplomat kecil Diosis Keningau.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Getting To Know Your friends...BiMK

Mr. Bodrick Paulus, MS

Miss. Sherry Yanjurus, SVB

Mr. Roney Eming, SPKP

Mr. Lexann T. Berdil SYPS

Miss. Lc Ape Angat, KSFX

Mr. Peter Maxmillan, KSFX

Mr. Adrian, SPM
Miss. Ervina, SVB

Lapan peserta Belia IPT Masuk Kampung, Rekod 2009. Biarlah kita bermula sekali lagi, dari komuniti kecil.

Pada awal mula hanya 3 orang saja iaitu, Mr. Adrian, Miss, Ervina dan Mr. Lexann... ada yang terkejut apa!!! 3 orang, pertanyaan mengapa ini berlaku...??? Sebagai support team Miss. Sherry dan Mr. Bodrick mengatakan, oklah..kami akan menjadi support team dan juga peserta. Akhirnya dengan tambahan Miss. Lc, Mr. Peter dan Mr. Roney menjadikan angka penyertaan 8 orang.

Penyertaan yang kurang pada kali ini tidak menjadi halangan untuk aktiviti ini dijalankan, 8 orang peserta ini banyak menerima input berkenaan dengan tema pastoral yang dilihat melalui mata rohani oleh Cik. Beatrice Nemisius dan pengenalan akan doktrin dan dogma gereja oleh Sdra. Wilfred James.

Bermula 20 Jun 2009 yang lepas, mereka telah memulakan program bakti sosial mereka di Kawasan Lanas dan Pemuntarian. 4 orang Adrian, Ervina, LC dan Lexann di hantar ke Lanas dan 4 orang lagi di hantar ke Pemuntarian. Pada 24 Jun mereka akan kembali ke KSFX. Kami menantikan cerita dan pengalaman iman mereka di sana.

Syabas dan Tahniah buat anda berlapan...
mmm...Komisi Belia...lakukan sesuatu...
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