Monday, November 26, 2012

Sudah terlalu lama... Its been a long time...

Sudah terlalu lama tidak bicara di laman ini... hehehe biar kita berbahasa sastera dulu sekejap...

What are we up to..

Firstly, we a very lucky and blessed  since 01 October 2012, Joining us in Youth Office is Mr. Roney Alfred Eming. He is from Kuala Penyu Sabah and a Bachelor In International Business (Hons) holder. For the time being he will be assisting myself and  Roselinah in youth office. Welcome to the group Roney and let us venture together in this ministry to share, gives life to other young people. "Kebahagiaan adalah Kekitaan"

Secondly, it's been a great learning and experiences in the Philippines, the two weeks Fondacio Asia Pastoral Gatehring has been a great time especially it enables us to re-connect to one another and to simply have time to share and listen to each other. Time with old friends, new one and Jesus is priceless. We hope Fondacio Asia will always remain the backbones to form young disciple toward Jesus mission in Asia. To continue foster friendships and companionship towards one another.

Thirdly, two weeks ago from 13-16 November we had a very beautiful extravaganza time with 312 teenagers in Colours of Youth . When this program developed in the first time, among the main objectives is for them to appreciate themselves, for them to realize that they were born with many colors and that colors is uniquely for them alone and all these a blessing from God who is love. Hopefully this 312 will continue to grow deeper in faith and relationships with God which finally will touch others life too.

addition... last week from 20-23 of November i had a very good time doing pastoral visit to few places. This time visit has once again strengthen my conviction, conviction to serve others and my call within this call to serve. (haha what am i writing...)

Finally, this week end starting from 30 Nov to 02 December, we will have our Youth Leader Recollection. A good number of 200 leaders from all over the diocese will convene in St. Anthony Parish of Tenom Sabah. In this time recollection, input on next year World Youth Day theme "Go and make disciples of all nations" will be given By Rev. Fr Ronnie Luni, "Year of Faith and Youth" and Ministry of Accompaniment" by Wilfred James and "Jesus Mission" and "Dreams" by Roselinah Francis.

So that its for now, oppss sorry no picture for now.. maybe next time...

by me
d'Dean of St James

Thursday, August 30, 2012


This was my first SYD, I was not able to join the first and the second. There were many questions and anticipation in me. I wonder if it will be as the same as other youth's camp i have participated before, will i be able to make new friends, will it help my faith to grow. As these questions keep haunting me, finally SYD3 arrived and mysteriously i am one of the secretariat members for this time SYD.

Together with few others members, we arrived in Holy Cross Toboh one day earlier than the rest. To my surprised or rather shock few camps were damaged because of earlier heavy rain and storm, and as usual i quickly blaming God for what had happened. To my surprise, our main coordinator Wilfred James, told us that it was indeed good thing that this happened now, so that we may be prepared and know which part is not ready, our good Lord has shown us what need to improved before SYD3 starts. Through this, i have learnt something that we have to be firm and rooted, so that in times we encountered heavy storms in life I'll be able to stands strong against the storm. 

Through the Friendship Day, I am grateful that I am able to understand more about differences, and it was a wonderful day that because of that understanding I am able to make  new friends from other parishes, dioceses without looking into the differences. It was a blessing through that encounter I realized i will never walk alone. In that differences we have Jesus Christ in him we are unites. 

Our first catechesis " why am i proud to be a catholic today ? " , this sessions make me proud and grateful that i am born and raised as a Catholic.  , What will i be if i am not Catholic, can't even imagine about it . But for me it is pointless to only feel  proud as Catholic. I should also share it with other as there were many people who haven't experience God love yet . In the afternoon then we had an animation program call " Road to Emmaus" , through this once again I am affirmed that I am not walking alone , God is with me ,recently I lost my Grandfather after a fight with cancer and a cousin due to Heart Disease , my world is torn apart , I felt  God had abandon me , I lost the will to live . But this program awakes me that God had never left me in the first place , it is just that for some reason I am  blinded to see God presence in my life, yes He knows and understand my pain and sufferings.  He wants and ready to take it away from me but it is me who is reluctant to do so,  cause' blinded by my own thought that God has abandoned me. The road to recovery from this experience is a long and enduring journey, there will always be scar, but i know that I should be at ease as our good Lord will walk with me till I reach the end. At the end of the 3rd day of SYD-3 is Youth night , here we once again refresh how Jesus died on the cross to wash away our sin. Thank You Jesus ! without You there is no us.

Our second catechesis " me , Him and you " , this session made me realise that I must put God as my  root in any relationship I had. Without God in my relationship, I tend to follow my own lust , ego and judgments whenever it  comes to relationships and decision making.  So now i understands more how to have good relationships, and the vitality to let God live as the third person in any relationship because He is love and His love unites us. At the end of the 4th day of SYD-3 is Family night , here we get to see a live acting on the reality crisis in modern family , it helps me to relate it with my own stories , it helps me to realise that every member of the family had it own purpose in order to build a happy and loving family and of course without God in our family there will be no peace, loves and family.

Day 5 of SYD-3 ! my favourite day of all , today we had our 3rd and last Catechesis" Go and be firm in faith " , in this session we were asked to recall all of the catechesis and experience we had experienced during the past few day of SYD-3. Then we were shown some of the modern day crisis that our church are struggling with at the moment , this session help me to realise that I do learn a lot from SYD-3 so now it is up to me to share it with others. But to do it i must firstly strongly rooted and firm in Jesus Christ!

Then it is time for my favorite program of all which is the "Pilgrim Walk " , there is 7 station in our walk and in each station we were given bookmark and it  is about the 7 most important event in a Catholic life which is the Seven Sacraments. What I like about this walk is we could relate it with our life, and here are some of my faith reflection on this Pilgrim Walk. At the first station we were given the bookmark for sacrament of baptism. I symbolized it with my experienced at that time. Reaching the first station we all still fresh and strong and couldn't wait for what lies ahead of our journey and happily we walk to reached the second station.
In the second station we receive bookmark on Sacrament of Confirmation and the third was Sacrament of Eucharist / First Holy Communion. This was a joy feeling during the walk, we were happy and strong, full of energy and enthusiastic. But at the middle of the journey we start to get tired, I relate it with sin, now we were tired and thirst for God, so the only way is to fix our relation with God by going to a confession the fourth station and the fourth sacrament, Sacrament of Reconciliation. Reflecting on this sacrament, through reconciliation we obtained new strength to keep on walking. It was a wonderful Journey.

Then we were given the bookmark of for me the most beautiful sacrament of all which is the sacrament of marriage as through marriage we continue God's beautiful creation. Then came the  Sacrament of Priesthood, without Priest the other sacrament could never be performed as the priest is the one who Baptist us, confirm and celebrates the Eucharist, hear our confession , bless our marriage , ordain priest (bishop is of course still a priest ) and give us our anointment of the sick.
During the walk, there were many of us who couldn't finish the walk , I simply relates it like this, that many Catholic who either by their own fault, ignorance or circumstances was not able to received all necessary sacraments in their lifetime. And finally the last station reflection is about the sacrament of the anointment of the sick , at that time we were very tired and almost pass out which I can symbolize it with the moment when we are at the end of our life, we all tired, full of anxiety, anxiousness and question what is next. And at that time is about surrendering to God... then we finally reach Holy Cross Toboh (our heaven in this case ). That is my faith reflection of the walk. 

Then we reach our final activity of the day the "Vigil Night" ,during this program we had a holy hour outside the church , rain start pouring again but I had learn to not to blame God. My reflection on the rain was God used it to "wash" us ,  He baptize us once again so that we will use our new found strength from SYD-3 to bring and spread His love to others, what a the best way to end our SYD-3 ! 

Finally the last day of SYD-3 , after mass we all greet farewell to each other , I am very happy and grateful to be able to join SYD-3 as it help me more rooted in Christ , more firm in faith and much ready to be risen in Christ , the happy joy joy period had come to an end as it is now time to focus on sharing what I learn from SYD-3 to other . Thank you SYD , Thank you Jesus! 

Monday, August 6, 2012


Greetings! Shalom... 

It has been long since last updated. 

Hi to everyone, how is life? 

We in youth commission are doing well. Most of our time are spent for the SYD3 preparation. Talking about SYD-3, it's been a great challenge to our limitations and shortcomings. And at the same time it has been a great blessing and ground for growth. Not only in skills and knowledge but also in relationships with self, one-another and God. 

Many times we felt fired up and some other times down and frustrating. However the blessing behind frustration is far greater then the frustration itself. Because after frustration comes hope and faith, to be able to put ones trust in God is really a grace. God indeed always with us when we are weak. 

The youth office certainly had planned ahead activities for young people in Keningau diocese apart from SYD3. This coming September and October two camps will be held for youth leaders. information will be sent out to all the respective leaders. The programs will be much fun and reflection, it is a tough thing to combine fun and meditation, hopefully it will work as planned and in tune with God plan . 

Where as for us in youth office, myself (opps.. Wilfred James here) and Rev. Ronnie Luni will be attending  Malaysia Catholic Youth Ministry Conference in Dioscese Sandakan early in September. Where as Roselinah will be Keningau Diocese representative to Heilbronn program in Germany. And we also expecting to be joined by another wonderful person as full timer in Youth Office, hopefully everything went well with the paper works. And before COY this coming November, both myself and Roselinah will be attending Youth Pastoral Program, under IFFA, in Philippine this coming October. And in early December year end recollection will be held. 

So, my dear young friends, let us all pray that everything planned can be materialized. Till then.. have a wonderful journey ahead and God Bless all of you. 

Wilfred James
On the occasion of 
the Transfiguration of our lord Jesus Christ 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Salam Paska

Sahabat Belia yang dikasihi,

Hi, apa semua? semoga semua rakan-rakan belia dalam keadaan yang sihat dan ceria selalu. Kalau tidak sihat jan lupa memberikan rehat secukupnya buat diri dan tubuh badan anda. Saya dan teman2 komisi belia yang lain semuanya sihat-sihat sahaja dan bersedia untuk menempuh hari-hari yang mendatang dengan hati yang terbuka dan dada yang lapang. Doakan kami agar dapat terus melayani dan bukan dilayani.

Perayaan Paska, perayaan yang sangat penting dan besar dalam kalendar Gereja Katolik, kini tiba. Di manakah anda saat ini? Apakah yang sedang bermain di benak pemikiran dan hati anda?

Kebangkitan Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus merupakan prinsip kepercayaan Kristian. Apakah yang harus mati dalam diri anda? Dan perbadi yang bagaimanakah harus bangkit dalam diri anda? Apakah jemputan Tuhan bagi diri anda sebagai pengikut-Nya.

Menilai kembali peranan kita, lebih-lebih lagi sebagai pemimpin adakah kita telah bertindak sama sepeti Yesus dalam pelayanan kita? Apakah kita bertindak secara matang dan adil bagi semua peribadi? Apakah perkara yang seharusnya kita tidak lakukan telah kita lakukan dan yang harus kita lakukan tidak kita laksanakan?

Dalam kesempatan ini saya secara perbadi ingin memohon maaf atas kesilapan, kekasaran bahasa dan kelemahan saya sebagai Kordinator dan lebih-lebih lagi sebagai manusia. Maafkan saya dan semua kami yang melayani di pelayanan belia tidak diperingkat mana kami berada.

Dan selamat menyambut Hari Paska dan semoga Paska kali ini menyuntik semangat kebangkitan kepada semua kita agar lebih dapat melayani seperti Yesus, bersama dengan Yesus dan sentiasa bersatu dan di dalam Yesus. Tuhan Memberkati!

Saya yang melayani,
Wilfred James
Kordinator Komisi Belia Katolik
Keuskupan Keningau.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Seketika di BMK8

Oleh: Crystalie Flavia John
Paroki : St. Peter Bundu Kuala Penyu

Seketika di BMK8

Belia Masuk Kampung atau lebih dikenali sebagai BMK kali ini merupakan BMK yang ke lapan. Aktiviti ini merupakan salah satu program belia  dan kebiasaannya mengambil masa selama dua minggu.

Sebelum mengikuti program ini, terdapat berbagai-bagai fikiran, perasaan dan sebagainya yang bermain di fikiran saya. Saya seringkali berfikir apakah yang akan berlaku pada diri saya jika saya mengikuti program ini. Adakah saya dapat membawa perubahan pada diri saya? Tambahan pula, lepaskan peluang untuk merayakan hari yang istimewa buat saya iaitu hari lahir saya dan sepupu saya. Rancangan untuk meraikan hari lahir bersama terpaksa dibatalkan. Syukur Tuhan, sepupu saya seorang yang memahami.

Melalui BMK8 ini, saya mendapat keyakinan untuk melangkah ke tempat yang baru. Bermula dari Misa Pembukaan, saya dapat merasakan Tuhan mahu saya membuat persediaan diri sebelum melangkah ke depan dan Dia telah siap sedia untuk mendampingi saya.

Menyertai program ini buat kali pertama, saya sangat  bersyukur kerana bukan sahaja mendapat kawan baru malah berpeluang bertemu dengan tiga orang sepupu saya yang berasal dari Tambunan. Kesempatan tinggal bersama keluarga angkat merupakan anugerah yang besar dari Tuhan. Menikmati masa membersihkan, masak, makan dan berdoa bersama sangatlah indah. Pengalaman bersama keluarga angkat mengajar saya untuk bersikap rendah diri, menghormati dan menerima sesama umat Tuhan.

Menyebarkan cinta kasih Tuhan yang sungguh-sungguh besar merupakan antara dorongan Tuhan yang dapat saya rasakan melalui BMK kali ini. Selain itu, juga saya rasakan panggilan Tuhan agar saya terus setia kepada pelayanan di gerejaa, rajin mengikuti program-program gereja dan seterusnya memperkembangkan hubungan saya dengan Tuhan.

Saya amat berterima kasih atas sumbangan para AJK penganjur, kehadiran rakan-rakan BMk8 dan juga keluarga angkat, kerana melalui mereka saya dapat menikmati Kasih Tuhan. Kerna Tuhan telah menunjukan belas kasih Nya kepada saya, saya juga bertekad untuk mengongsikan Kasih Tuhan.  Kerana cinta kasih Allah, dunia di selamatkan, atas kebenaran ini saya mahu turut juga dalam misteri penyelamatanNya.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Before BMK8

Before joining BMK8, a lot of questions playing in my mind, should I registered? Can i cope well? will it be a waste of time? can i "survive" for two weeks without internet? without Facebook? no video games... There is o lot of distractions and emotion comes in... when i almost give up and decline to join BMK8, i took time to pray and meditate for a while and God's soft promting voice wsphered to me "Alvin git it a try, you will love it, you never know what awaits you, you'll be amazed".

During BMK8

5th February, the long awaited day I found myself in Rumah Retreat Keuskupan Keningau Tatal (RRKKT). The sweet scent of flower fill my nose, a new journey is started. a journey that will lead me to my self-discovering and renewing of my tattered faith.

Every moment i spend here improved my faith greatly, i finally had the chance to do a routine that i eager to do, daily mass and praying before the Blessed Sacrament. i start to rediscover the joy of praying, learn to live community life.

Through the lesson and inputs given i finally learn alittle about our church history, the history and development of the Catholic Church in Sabah, The challenge of Islamization, the schoking truth about the political, economy and social situation in Sabah, the danger of mass media.

There are lot of fun, happy and sad memory in BMK8. I learn the feeling of happiness through team work and also the sad side of team work, the challenges especially when disagreement comes in. I learn a lot from this experience.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Belia Masuk Kampung - Bersama Melayani Kristus - BMK-8

Belia Masuk Kampung 8

Program Belia Masuk Kampung ke-8 anjuran Keuskupan Keningau yang telah diadakan pada 05-19 Februari 2012 yang lalu, membekalkan banyak pengalaman dan pengetahuan bagi para belia yang melibatkan diri dengan program ini. 

Para belia sebelum dihantar ke kampung-kampung terpilih, terlebih dahulu diperkasakan dengan beberapa input seperti Sejarah Penyelamatan, Sejarah Gereja Katolik, Sejarah penubuhan Keuskupan Keningau. Isu-isu semasa seperti Sabah: Politik, Sosial dan Ekonomi, Pengislaman, Belia: Realiti hidup dan Iman, Belia dan Media Massa. Input diberikan selain bertujuan bagi pemantapan iman para belia ianya juga agar para belia mempunyai output yang mencukupi untuk dikongsikan dengan masyarakat kampung.

Tidak sahaja dengan input-input, para belia juga diberikan banyak peluang untuk membuat renungan sama ada secara peribadi atau berkelompok. Para peserta di bawa untuk belajar berdiam dalam kebisingan, agar ianya dapat dipraktikan di mana sahaja belia ini akan berada kelak. Tidak cukup dengan itu, sebelum para belia balik ke rumah masing-masing, mereka juga di bawa ke satu praktik rohani yang cukup mencabar bagi ramai peserta itu retret berdiam yang dipimpin oleh Dikon Roney Mailap yang bakal ditahbiskan menjadi Paderi pada 28 April 2012 di St. Anthony Tenom, Sabah. 

Bagi membantu para belia untuk mengenal pasti kehadiran Tuhan di setiap detik dan perkara dalam kehidupan mereka, para peserta sejak dari awal mula BMK8 telah diminta untuk menulis jurnal kehidupan. dan di akhir hari BMK8, mereka telah bersedia dengan pengalaman iman mereka. berikut adalah petikan-petikan yang diambil hasil dari perkongsian pengalaman Iman mereka. 

Rev. Ronnie Luni
Pembimbing Rohani Komisi Belia Keuskupan Keningau

Singkatan nama ‘Belia Masuk Kampung’ (BMK) mengingatkan saya akan maksud lain BMK iaitu “Bersama Melayani Kristus”. Apabila para belia masuk kampung, mereka menyatakan, “Inilah aku, utuslah aku”, maka mereka datang diutus untuk melayani bersama Kristus! Apabila Tuhan mengutus kita, Dia juga menyertai kita. Tiada yang terbaik, hanya bila Dia ada bersama!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Today's Reflection

10 January 2012
(Mrk 1:21-29)

Recognizing Jesus

Looking back our experienced last year, how many times do we able to say “that was Jesus!” in our daily life. Or perhaps, that experience is nothing, meaningless.

Recognizing Jesus again is not an easy task. The evil spirits will always ensure that we will not be able to see the work of Jesus because he knows that Jesus is the Holy one of God. And because he couldn’t control Jesus, he constantly tries to turn our faith away from God. But we are convinced that the Holy Spirit within us is always there to help and protect us.

Do remember that, every time we fall, His hand is always open to bring us up again. The question for us is, are we ready to also extend our hands to receive God’s hand?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Today's Reflection

07 January 2012
(Jn 2:1-11)


“My time has not come” This sentence reminds me of my encounter with my friend yesterday. She told me her experienced listening testimony from someone who believed seeing God through his dream. God was telling him through his first dream that His time is not yet come but he had a second dream recently telling him that Jesus Christ is now stays together with people but nobody recognize Him.

As someone who is baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we believe that the presence of Jesus Christ stays with us forever. He is here with us not only today but long before we were born and will be with us until we die. He promised to His disciple that He will always with them through Holy Spirit and now this promise still here with us. But the question is can we see His presence through our everyday life? through people around us? through our society? through our environment? through our heart? Do we bother to recognize Him through all these?

Perhaps we are blinded by our own world. But no matter what world we are in let us allow ourselves to reunite with Him. He is always there waiting for us, His Beloved Children of God!
No matter how busy we are, take time to be with Him!!


06 January 2012
(Mk 1:7-11) 


What can you recall on your baptism day? Many of us are baptized while we still a baby and some after grown up. Baptism a time when we are declared as God's Children.

After all these years, have you really fulfill your call as Children of God? Becoming God's children is no easy task, in everyday  lives we were confront to make action and decision. Our very own baptism remind us to always work with him, and be united in him. it is also a reminder to never forget that he already gave us helper and guidance, Holy Spirit, to guide us and help us in making decision and to act according his word. 

Lets us always remember that, we got Holy Spirit in us. Not to worry of the future but to have faith and hope in Jesus. And most important is to remain in him! and we are his beloved child, there is nothing you can do to make him love you more, you are loved, we are loved.


05 January 2012 
( Jn 1:43-51) 

Story of Calling

What led man to God? In every hearts and souls there is this searching and longing. And no one can fulfill this but God alone. 

God sees us differently...he sees like no other man see, because he only see us as His beloved. His call is for us to come home, going home, going back to his arms and live to his vineyard. Yet He never forced us to accept Him, He freely gives us the time and space to chose Him. 

In Him, every desires and dream will be purified, and finally he will fulfill this one searching and longing for us.. Because he knows us first, what lies in us he knows, what we need to do is to come to him sat at his feet and listen to him, so that he look into our stories, wanderings, searching and longing to finally fulfill it. 

He is waiting, and will wait for you, you are not forced but because of his love so strong you will be dragged to him, because in him everything is possible. 

What are you waiting for, if today you hear your name calling, answer him!
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