Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We Had Left Everything Behind....and Follow YOU

1st March 2011 (Mark 10:28-31)

Today's Gospel is a confirmation and affirmation  of God's Divine Providence and protection to those following Him.

However, he told us clearly that,the reason of following him must be Him and the Gospel, not of personal glorification or gratification.

Why? By seeking personal glorification and gratification, we will be blinded by our dissatisfaction of not enjoying by what we are seeking for. Thus we will not be able to experience God's divine providence and protection, .

Jesus at the same time did not promise of smooth sailing for those who following him. In that journey we may face persecutions; it may come from or within ourselves, others, environment; may it be social, economical or political sphere. The sea may be rough and hard for us to sail smoothly.

Thus before embarking or continue to the deep, once again Jesus invites us to ponder upon ourselves it is because of Him or simply our personal goal?
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